Make SlideShare Work for Your Business

SlideShare: Make it Work for Your Business
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To make SlideShare work for your business you need to understand it is a unique platform for sharing presentations, videos, documents, and other business-related information with others. It is a little different than other sharing sites, however; it curates content around themes and hand-picks presentations that are featured on the homepage.

It’s also unique in the variety of business types that use it—everyone from industry leaders to educational organizations to nonprofits. Because it’s now owned by LinkedIn and the two are closely connected, it gets a lot of traffic from entrepreneurs and business professionals. This makes SlideShare a natural if that’s your ideal client.

How can you make SlideShare work for your business?

Think about the expertise in your business—and not just the expertise related to the product or service you sell. For example, you might have developed particularly successful marketing campaigns that can be used to create SlideShare content. Or perhaps you can take a common misconception about your industry and correct it.

A key benefit of creating popular SlideShare content is traffic to your website. A well-crafted presentation that offers more information with a link back to your website can send tons of new visitors to your site.

What’s the potential of SlideShare for your business? Use this graphic to find out.

Have you created something for SlideShare that you’re particularly proud of? Leave a link to it in the comments.

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SlideShare: How to Make It Work for Your Business
Via Salesforce

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