Choosing a Background For Your Videos

Choosing a background for your videos.
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While content is the most important part, choosing the right background for your videos makes a big difference. The goal is to make YOU, not your background, the star of your videos.

If you’re a coach, consultant or other small business owner making occasional videos as part of your marketing, you probably don’t have the space to set up a dedicated home studio, nor do you need one.

You also don’t want a complicated setup that takes a lot of time to put up and take down each time you want to record a video. When you have the inspiration or the time to record a video, you want to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. Anything that slows you down (like a complicated backdrop) will decrease your chances of actually getting to the point of hitting record.

With a little planning you can create a space that is always ready and looks professional even if the rest of your home office look like a paper bomb exploded in it.

Things to consider when choosing your video background…

Here are some of things to consider when choosing the background for your marketing and social media videos.

Professional but not boring

A completely plain background seems like a good idea but can actually detract from your video. If it’s not lit properly a plain background can create unattractive shadows.

A cluttered background is distracting
What not to do as a background.

But more importantly, the completely plain background often looks a little unnatural, sometimes even creepy. If you’re trying to build know, like & trust let people see you in your actual workspace.

Adding some simple “props” to your backdrop can add interest without being distracting. In the above video I show some flowers I place on my desk to add some interest and colour to my videos.

The video also shows another background I use that includes a shelf with some interesting but not too distracting objects that my Facebook followers voted their favourite background for videos.

Don’t stand in front of a window

Standing directly in front of a window often makes your face look dark because the window will be the brightest part of the video. Plus depending on the view from the window, viewers may be distracted by activity outside. (There’s an example of this in the above video as well).

This doesn’t mean you should record your videos in a windowless room. Natural light can be a great way to look good on camera without spending money on lights. Here’s my blog post about using natural light.

What about Zoom backgrounds?

Using a fake Zoom background can be a lifesaver if your home office is your kitchen table and you absolutely can’t clear the space behind you.

However, if you can at all manage it, your videos will always look better with a real background.

Why? There’s often a bit of “strobing” with a Zoom background as you move around.

This is particularly true if you have curly hair like I do. Unless I stand perfectly still, parts of my head will disappear and reappear into the background when using a fake background. It’s because the A.I. in Zoom just can’t handle the layers of curly hair.

With a little planning you can create an attractive background for your videos that doesn’t take a lot of time to prepare. That way you can be ready to film at a moment’s notice and ensure what you say and not the background will be what people remember.

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